Ocean Pollution Problems Around The World

Plastic pollution is growing exponentially. Ocean pollution is increasing day-by-day and it kills tremendous amounts of wildlife, whether it's from entanglement, ingestion, or from microplastic toxicity. But, either way, it's eliminating species on the regular. However, utilizing ocean clean up campaigns would prevent the marine life from continuing to interact with plastics. Even many scientists are working on replacing single-use plastics, and certain government organizations, such as the EU, are already working on banning them. According to survey, more than 300 million tons of plastic is produced annually, and half of which is designed for single use. Every year 8 million tons of it ends up in our oceans. Plastic is not biodegradable. And plastic is the biggest dilemma in our earth. From grocery bags to toys and bottles, plastic is one of the most used materials to date. However, this material is unfortunately causing a great deal of harm to ocean life too. What is harming ...